
Meet Our Customers Forum

Calling all enablement enthusiasts!

Join us for our Seismic Meet Our Customers Forum on Tuesday, September 17th at 3:00 - 4:00pm BST. This session will feature an interview with a current Seismic Content customer representing Capital Group - Our speaker looks forward to sharing their first-hand experiences in evaluating, implementing, and achieving success with Seismic’s platform to transform their enablement initiatives.

These forums are casual and conversational – prospects in attendance will be able to ask questions directly to the speaker following the fireside interviews. (*Note, the speaker won’t be able to answer questions regarding pricing or contract requirements, and those should be discussed with your representatives.)

If you have any questions about the event, please direct them to [email protected], and we’ll be happy to assist.

We look forward to hosting you!

Customer Speaker:

Joss Pennington – Capital Group